
… so make it one for my baby … and one more for the road …

I met some travellers at Tony P’s tonight when I stopped in for dinner. They were a couple from England, and they were pretty much flat broke, after spending three weeks in California and Vegas. I bought them a beer, and talked to them for a bit. I then offered to take them to O’Briens for a few beers and to listen to my friends’ band.

They were sort of interested, then they had a bit of a talk between themselves and Amy then went to the bathroom. I talked to Paul for a bit and he said that they were going to pass as they couldn’t afford it. I reassured him, as I’d earlier said to both of them, that I would cover their tab regardless — that I knew a few people at the place we were heading to, and it was all good. In the end they decided against it. I think they thought I was drunk and that they would get stuck there without a ride back to their hotel, and no money for a cab. Either that, or they thought I was a crazy and I was going to dump them somewhere remote and steal what they had left.

In the end, I gave them a ride back to their hotel and they wanted me to wait while they went and exchanged some pounds for dollars, to give me some money. That was never going to happen. In the end I came home, called their hotel and sent up a bottle of champagne and a six pack of beer. I hope they have a good night, even without me in it.

I like being nice to people that don’t expect it. Although, you have to be able to deal with rejection, because a lot of people will simply think you’re a freak and won’t trust you. Paul and Amy were somewhere in between. I’ll never hear from them again as I didn’t get contact details and they don’t have mine. The only thing we have in common that we know of is Tony P’s where we had dinner.

I hope they have a safe flight home, and that I might have been able to put a smile on their faces on their last night here.

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